One of the most fundamental factors isyou plan to have some outside assistance. rhe time that can be spent on the garden, whether ir is purely your time or whether impossible to maintain within your own spare time, and ptohibitively There is no point in having elaborare iueas and fanciful plans if they would be ascertain just how much time certain styles and sizes of expensive if you were to employ skilled help. It is helpful to public you can gain some idea of the upkeep involved garden will require. By visiring friends' gardens or those open to the herbaceous borders, a lawn compared with an expanse in maintaining garden features such as shrub rose beds compared with shrubs. It is depressing to own a beautiful garden,of gravel, or containers of annual plantings against summer-
flowering monthly chores which the garden demands of you in order only to discover that you cannot keep abreast of the weekly and individual needs of your family members, their different to look its best.The plan for your garden should rake into account the wish to spend gardening.
whether the lawn needs to ages and interests and your general lifestyle -how much time you The length of rime you intend to live in rhe house double as a play area, how ofren you might entertain in rhe garden. will influence cerrain decisions, as will the amount of money you are prepared to spend on it.