While some landscape designs do scale well,'parterres de broderie' design really does need others are best left the size they are in the original landscaping picture. A French large space to look right, but you can easily scale a hanging garden, rock garden, or knot garden to any size. Others need only certain elements scaled down.Mediterranean-style garden in a small area, you For instance, if you want a classical Mediterranean feel with clay pots and a small fountain.So you've probably won't be able to fit in the impressive statues and columns,
but you can get a "off" about it. The problem could be the color scheme. Nature's colorsfound a landscaping picture of a design you like, but something seems when the problem with a design don't really clash per se,
so it's not always obvious "could work all right" under your front windows would actually look isn't the layout, but the colors. Maybe that pink-and-yellow flowerbed design you think a lot better in more subdued colors or even foliage alone.