Now, dirt, is just that, dirt - years ago,did Grandad decide that where the old incinerator a bit of ground where very little has,or can be grown. This could be for myriad reasons. All those garden? Having fires on top of itfor donkey's used to be, would bea prime spot to put the new veggie grown and produced since then, butnot without the assistance years will have made this dirt. Sterile at that.However, many things may have been forbid 'superphosphate'. EEeekk!Probably looked like of copious applications of water solublechemical fertilizer - or heaven sharp edges, newly turned beds showing bare earth
something out of one of those old 1960's glossymagazines; razor no untidy mixing up of varieties.You can certainly eat this nota scrap of mulch to be seen - too messy! Strict rows of each individualcrop - content, and actual sustenance - itis severely lacking.
produce ( that's what is in thesupermarkets), but as for calorific and hasn't had the opportunity to take up the nutrientsand Part of this is due to the fact that the plant hasbeen 'forced',trace elements it actually needs for normal growth.Looks great, tastes bland.